
ounce (Fluid imp) to pint (US dry) Converter

fl oz (imp)
pt (US dry)

Conversion Steps for:
1 Ounce (fluid imperial) to Pint (US dry)

The following is a step by step solution to convert volume of 1 ounce (fluid imperial) to pint (us dry).


The formula to convert volume from ounce (fluid imperial) to pint (us dry) is:

Volume(pint (us dry)) = Volume(ounce (fluid imperial)) × 0.05160283717443504

Problem at hand:

We need to convert given volume of 1 ounce (fluid imperial) to pint (us dry).


The given volume value is

Volume(Ounce (fluid imperial)) = 1


Substitute Volume(ounce (fluid imperial)) = 1 in the conversion formula.

Volume(pint (us dry)) = Volume(ounce (fluid imperial)) × 0.05160283717443504

Volume(pint (us dry)) = 1 × 0.05160283717443504


Solving the right-hand side value.

Volume(Pint (US dry)) = 0.05160283717


Therefore, given volume of 1 ounce (fluid imperial) is equal to 0.05160283717 pint (us dry).

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